Logo Autobahn
Logo CH   Motorways of SwitzerlandDeutsch Deutsch
Logo CH
Logo Autobahn
Picture Autobahn

Autobahnen.CH is a personal webpage about the swiss motorways. All information is without guarantee of correctness and completeness.

I have a question regarding:

1. Motorway charge sticker (vignette):
If you have any motorway charge sticker (vignette) related question, then please ask the Federal Customs Administration at: https://www.ezv.admin.ch

2. Heavy vehicle charge (performance-related and lump-sum):
If you have any heavy vehicle charge (performance-related and lump-sum) related question, then please ask the Federal Customs Administration at: https://www.ezv.admin.ch

3. Motorway operations:
If you have any motorway operational related question, then please ask the Federal Roads Office FEDRO at: https://www.astra.admin.ch

4. Webpage Autobahnen.CH:
If you have a question regarding the personal page Autobahnen.CH, then please write an email to: info@autobahnen.ch

Links about this topic:

Last update Nov 17 2018